This is an album with two old guys playing guitars and they sing on it. One of the guys was in NoMeansNo, which is kind of how i heard about this band. The first tracks i heard were Loved by Millions, Improve Yourself and Welcome Home. They were on their myspace a couple years ago and i listened to them a lot. The albums versions of those songs sounded different when i got the album and this kind of bothered me, but it's still a really nice album. I was reminded of them just the other day when i was talking with this dude about starting a band and how i couldn't actually play any instruments and he could only play guitar. I made him listen to one of the songs and he got a big smile on his face. It's kind of amazing to me how much the songs don't feel like they need anything, they work just fine without drums or bass thank you very much. Just shows to go you, even if you can't find all the people you "need", you can still totally start band.
This is where you will download it.If you are scared to download the whole thing,
here is a video of them performing to a slightly vibrating camera.They live in the Netherlands.
I think they are fairly handsome for old men.
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