Oh boy do I have hard-wood for obscure 80s new-wave bands this month.
If you dug Prefab Sprout, you'll probably be into this one as well. If you didn't, you'll probably still be into this one.
This is Aztec Camera's FANTASTIC debut release in 1983 released on Sire records (You may know such current Sire Artists as NeverShoutNever, Meg and Dia, The Maine. Yeah. they've changed their roster up a bit since the early 80s) and it's... well fantastic.
To be honest, it doesn't sound too radically different than anything else coming out of Glasgow at the time(reverb up, voices down) but what it does have going for it is that it is actually really good! Young, catchy, poetic pop songs that you can take at face value yet have a charm and intelligence that takes multiple listens to truly appreciate? Sign me up!
Walk Out to Winter(one of my favorite songs ever)
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Let me take this little space to talk about Sire Records.
All those bands I mentioned in the article are pretty commonly accepted to be "bad bands"
I used to agree, but really when it comes right down to it, I have to reject that. I like to call them "teenage douche bands" because they really are. Teenage Douche's usually listen to them. There are a few redeeming factors to their music, and in reality that's the only thing that matters WHEN talking about music. And really, you can definitely pick worse teenage douche bands than the current Sire roster. I mean, they have Foxy Shazam signed right now and they are a REALLY fun band.
I will defend their music to the death.
However, I do not like them at all.
One could argue that EVERY band panders to a certain audience, but none do it as blatantly as some acts on sire right now. I could write pages on it, but I'll stop for now with simply
sire records; meh.
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