Ahh the Holidays.
Stockings hung by the chimney with care, Mother's bending to their child's ever want and whim, rampant consumerism... the most WONDERFUL time of the year.
However, be you a cynic of saint, there is one thing that you absolutely cannot deny about the holidays; amazing opportunities to make money through absolutely soulless covers of generic Christmas music.
Let me tell you, what we have here is a solid hour of Pokemon themed Holiday tunes, with such classics as Professor Oaks grateful ballad (and possibly phallic) "I'm Giving Santa Pikachu This Christmas" and the Holiday classic "Must be Santa Claus" (in which the only lyric they change is from "reindeer" to "Stantler")
Goddamn I actually really like this CD. It gets me in a holiday spirit unlike any other kind of Christmas music.
My friend Joey once told me that "Sincerity is the New Irony" and this is becoming truer and truer as I get older. I've gone beyond enjoying this in an ironic sense (and it is completely fucking ridiculous), and I've come full circle to a state of mind where i actually GENUINELY enjoy it.
Maybe it's the mix of nostalgia and childhood innocence I still retain.
as always
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